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Night Runs, Home Daily! - Full Time

Confidential - Shelbyville, IN
$65 - 75K /yr

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Posted on 03/04/25 (Ref: )

$1350 per week minimim
• This account will also pay a $15.00 stop pay.
• Drivers average 1700 -2000 MPW.
• All stops paid between the origin and destination.
• Average pay for a top earner is $80K per year.
• This account delivers groceries to Kroger stores in OH and IN.
• Drivers are home daily with 2 days off per week.
• Kroger is a 24/7 operation and drivers will operate on various schedules and start days.
• Kroger runs both reefer and dry freight and is a slip seat operation.
• Drivers work nights and weekends
• Mostly refrigerated trailers will be utilized, and freight will need to be unloaded from trailer into back room of stores using power jacks.
• Additional info - The drivers all have set start times….it will be a night shift, with a start time anywhere from 1700-0400 (it's the same start time each day, what it actually is would depend on when the driver was hired…most likely between 2100 to 0200)…..two consecutive days off during the week – not on the weekend….required to work a 6th day during the week before a holiday…..roughly 1700-2000 miles but most of the money is made from stops and unload….
• averaging $1000 to $1300 a week